Business Support For Healers & Spiritual entrepreneurs

We are different, and that's the purpose

Hello beautiful soul friend! I’m so glad you found your way here, it means our souls have already connected on some level and decided to bring us together at this time, which is very exciting!

We are different, and that is the purpose! Here to be leaders of a new earth, you and I, we both know that. And yet we are forced on a daily basis to juggle and navigate between two paradigms… “how things used to be for the last 2000 years” and “the newness we are being called to bring in”, and somehow put that all into a business that you love, fulfils your soul, and supports your humanness.

Now let me ask you a simple question; how are you bringing in that newness in the way you run your business?
With old tools? Old ways of doing business? Ways that are seemingly working for others – but not for you? Or they are working but it feels like you’ve just transitioned from one hamster wheel to the next, feeling enslaved? Is your logical, reasoning mind leading you or are you allowing your heart to lead?

If you are here, 

Welcome, beautiful soul - how can I help you?

Conscious Marketing Support

Strategic & hands-on marketing consulting and support for healers, holistic coaches, spiritual entrepreneurs, empaths, introverts, highly sensitive people, starseeds and lightworkers.

Coaching for my soulbusiness

Coaching & healing for entrepreneurs with a deep soul calling (= soulpreneurs) facing blocks, difficulties + repeating patterns on their soulpreneur journey to success and independence.

26 mindset shifts to be a successful soulpreneur

Free guide

Instant download here

About Stefanie

Stefanie supports soulpreneurs with a big vision and an even bigger heart in all things marketing, self-empowerment & natural confidence in business.

In her powerful yet truly empathic way, she encourages and enables her clients to forge their own authentic path while aiming to fulfill their highest possible potential.

As an idealistic, curious, open-minded-out-of-the-box thinker and free spirited since childhood, Stefanie never felt comfortable in the rigid, constricted and narrow-minded corporate world, and from the day she had set foot in it, always lacked a deeper meaning and purpose in her work and the companies she worked for.

What she encountered was a loveless business world filled with companies void of awareness and compassion, which put profit and sales over the well-being of their customers, humanity and the planet.

With her sensitivity, commitment to authenticity and a strong internal calling for meaningful purpose she was no longer willing to conform to this as acceptable and turned her back on the corporate scene after 14 years in 2018. She embarked on a journey of deep inner soul- and healing work to answer her calling to help others, which led her on the path of conscious entrepreneurism and eventually to the formation of her own conscious business where she supports, empowers and mentors purpose-led soulpreneurs with her personal gifts and over 18+ years of experience in the industry.

unstuck yourself & spread your wings

Although you have a deep expanding calling to step into the next version of yourself, an invisible force is holding you back, keeping and yanking you back into old ways. Missign clarity could be another factor that keeps you timid about the next steps to take for your business and life, regardless if they are know to you or yet to be brought to your awareness from the depths of your soul. 

Un-stuck yourself is here to bring you clarity, make these invisible threads that are holding you back visible, bring healing to them, and pull you out of the mud into the liberating fulfilment of your life’s mission.

With the personal and nurturing support that you as a unique soul deserve!

You have been in a waiting room for too long, it is time to bring you the life that you so deeply desire and UN-STUCK yourself and spread your wings and SOAR. 

Over 12 weeks we will work on identifing, rewiring and healing what is keeping you stuck and put you on to the path to personal success & fulfilment.

#SOULPRENEUR: You're a soulpreneur because your soul decided to dedicate this lifetime to helping others whilst living a free, authentic & sovereign life on your own terms.

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